Since the end of 2019, research on COVID-19 has been carried out at high speed and generates international cooperation in the form of co-authorship of scientific articles. China, the hotbed of the epidemic, is the main producer of research on the new coronavirus, but more than 100 countries are involved as of 18 May 2020. […]
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Author: equipe
Where do Covid-19 researches come from? ...
Since the end of 2019, research on COVID-19 has been carried out at high speed and generates international cooperation in the form of co-authorship of scientific articles. China, the hotbed of the epidemic, is the main producer of research on the new coronavirus, but almost 120 countries are involved as of June 1, 2020. This […]
Where do Covid-19 researches come from? ...
Since the end of 2019, research on COVID-19 has been carried out at high speed and generates international cooperation in the form of co-authorship of scientific articles. China, the hotbed of the epidemic, is the main producer of research on the new coronavirus, but nearly 90 countries are involved as of 4 May 2020. This […]
Where do Covid-19 researches come from? ...
Since the end of 2019, research on Covid-19 has been carried out at high speed and generates international cooperation in the form of co-authorship of scientific articles. China, the hotbed of the epidemic, is the main producer of research on the new coronavirus, but nearly 80 countries are involved as of 20 April 2020. This […]
Where do Covid-19 researches come from? ...
Since the end of 2019, research on Covid-19 has been carried out at high speed and generates international cooperation in the form of co-authorship of scientific articles. China, the hotbed of the epidemic, is the main producer of research on the new coronavirus, but nearly 60 countries are involved as of 6 April 2020. This […]
Presentation on the French case at the c...
In January 2020, Michel Grossetti spoke at the second colloquium “Complexity and Disorder” organized in Paris to present results concerning the geography of research in France, the means implemented to study it and the limits of the recent policies aiming at intervening on this geography. The presentation entitled “The geographical organization of French research as […]
Geography of the World Scientific Produc...
This presentation was made on November 27, 2019 on the occasion of the Day of CNRS laboratories and offices abroad. It reviews the main results of our research on the global geography of scientific activities and then presents NETSCITY, a new web application under development to map scientific production and collaborations between cities.
Presentation at the CIRED laboratory, no...
Our main results on the global geography of contemporary scientific activities were presented in french at the CIRED laboratory seminar in Nogent-sur-Marne (Greater Paris) on 5 November 2019. We presented in detail two stylized facts: the spatial deconcentration of production and the densification of the global network of collaborations between cities. The presentation also includes […]
Geographical representations of scholarl...
This presentation looks back at the lessons learned from an experience of interdisciplinary work between geo-history of science, cartography and network analysis. This experience led to the publication in 2015 in the journal Histoire et Informatique of an article entitled “LES MONDES SAVANTS ET LEUR VISUALISATION, DE L’ANTIQUITÉ À AUJOURD’HUI” (Andurand et al., 2015). It […]
The geography of research production in ...
A presentation on India’s place in the geography of global scientific activities was made in preparation for an internal meeting of AVRIST, Association for the Valuation of International Scientific and Technical Relations. Since 1982, this association has brought together people who are or have been advisors or scientific attachés in the French Embassy, or any […]