This presentation looks back at the lessons learned from an experience of interdisciplinary work between geo-history of science, cartography and network analysis.

This experience led to the publication in 2015 in the journal Histoire et Informatique of an article entitled “LES MONDES SAVANTS ET LEUR VISUALISATION, DE L’ANTIQUITÉ À AUJOURD’HUI” (Andurand et al., 2015).

It led us to value the association of a cartographic representation and a reticular representation of science data. The association of these two modes of visualization (map and graph) provides many advantages because it allows the combination of two complementary approaches to explore scholarly worlds. It proves to be virtuous for dealing with different sources and eras.

These results were the subject of a new presentation at the research day of the Colemon project founded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) held in Paris on 20 June 2019.

The slides presented can be viewed here :