This presentation was made on November 27, 2019 on the occasion of the Day of CNRS laboratories and offices abroad. It reviews the main results of our research on the global geography of scientific activities and then presents NETSCITY, a new web application under development to map scientific production and collaborations between cities.
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Category: News
Presentation at the CIRED laboratory, no...
Our main results on the global geography of contemporary scientific activities were presented in french at the CIRED laboratory seminar in Nogent-sur-Marne (Greater Paris) on 5 November 2019. We presented in detail two stylized facts: the spatial deconcentration of production and the densification of the global network of collaborations between cities. The presentation also includes […]
Geographical representations of scholarl...
This presentation looks back at the lessons learned from an experience of interdisciplinary work between geo-history of science, cartography and network analysis. This experience led to the publication in 2015 in the journal Histoire et Informatique of an article entitled “LES MONDES SAVANTS ET LEUR VISUALISATION, DE L’ANTIQUITÉ À AUJOURD’HUI” (Andurand et al., 2015). It […]
The geography of research production in ...
A presentation on India’s place in the geography of global scientific activities was made in preparation for an internal meeting of AVRIST, Association for the Valuation of International Scientific and Technical Relations. Since 1982, this association has brought together people who are or have been advisors or scientific attachés in the French Embassy, or any […]
“The Spatial Dynamics of Science”, 23 no
A workshop was organised in the Complex Systems Institute of Lyon on the 23th of november. All the presentations were related to scientometrics and we were invited to give a talk on our spatial approach of scientific activities. 10h – Sébastian Grauwin (IXXI, Lyon) : Brief review of current approaches & work in progress 11h […]
« Understanding the dynamics of science
A workshop will be organized by the Complex Systems Institute (IXXI) of Lyon on the 23 of november (2017). It is an interdisciplinary workshop on the dynamics of science. Abstract: The availability of social data drives many scientists from the formal sciences (computer science, physics…) into the quantitative analysis of social systems. One early example […]
Scientific collaboration in space. Up-to...
Agnieszka Olechnicka is organising a session on scientific collaboration in the frame of the EU Region Week, in Brussels, October 10th 2017. The session will be chaired by Roberta Capello. The abstract is the following: Economic agents in European cities and regions become active partners in scientific collaboration, both through participating in research, and also […]
The analysis and visualisation of the wo...
In the frame of the applied statistics’ seminary organised by the INED Center in Paris, September 15th, we gave a talk on the visualisation and network analysis of scientific networks. Other speakers (Thomas Louail, Julien Brailly, Fabien Eloire, Camille Roth, Pierre Latouche, Christophe Prieur and Pascal Cristofoli) presented on other aspects of network analysis and […]
The 20th European Colloquium on Theoreti...
You can find bellow the slides presented by Marion Maisonobe at the 22th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG), 7-11 September 2017, York, UK. They present the methodology of a new research coordinated by Denis Eckert which aims at comparing the geography of academic places in France, Germany and the UK using bibliometric […]
22nd international conference on science...
You can find bellow the slides presented by Marion Maisonobe on the occasion of the 22th International Conference on Science & Technology Indicators (STI) in September 2017 in Paris, France. It is a presentation in english of the article “The global geography of scientific visibility: a deconcentration process (1999–2011)” (Scientometrics), written “five hands” with Michel […]