Je vous annonce la sortie d’un ouvrage collectif consacré à la géographie de l’innovation. Intitulé Handbook on The Geography of Innovation, ce livre est coordonné par Richard Sheamur, Christophe Carrincazeaux et David Doloreux. Il est composé de 28 chapitres qui reviennent sur un certain nombre d’idées et concepts qui avaient cours dans les années 1980 […]
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Category: News
Panel on “Internationalization of Scient
In september 2016, a special issue of the Revue française de sociologie on the internationalization of scientific research has been released. This special issue has been coordinated by Michel Dubois, Yves Gingras and Claude Rosental. To mark this occasion, a roundtable discussion bringing together several contributors to the issue has been organized at EHESS in Paris […]
21st international conference on science...
For its 21th edition, the international conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI) in Valencia Spain, in September 2016, proposed a special session moderated by Rigas Arvanitis dealing with internationalization of sciences. A synthesis of our results regarding the expansion of the world network of collaborations between cities and more especially the role played by […]
53th Colloquium of the ASRDLF
You can find bellow the slides presented by Marion Maisonobe on the occasion of the 53th colloquium of the ASRDLF (Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française) in July 2016 in Gatineau. It is a presentation in french of the chapter Four commonly held beliefs about the geography of scientific activities (Handbook of Geographies of […]
Second European Conference on Social Net...
The second european conference on social networks has been organized by the Groupement de Recherche Analyse de Réseayx en SHS (AR-SHS) in June 2016 in Paris. A special session coordinated by Marion Maisonobe and Laurent Beauguitte dealt with networks and globalization. Here is the talk given during this session on the topic of scientific cooperation […]
3rd Geography of Innovation Conference 2...
A talk prepared in the frame of the Netscience project has been given at the 3rd Geography of Innovation Conference, in Toulouse, in January 2016. It is an attempt to provide a typology of scientific agglomerations at the world level by Laurent Jégou, Marion Maisonobe and Najla Touati. See below the slides presented on this […]
Summer school of the CNRS in Oléron : pl
During the summer school organised by the CNRS on social network analysis in Oléron, 2015, Denis Eckert and Marion Maisonobe have been invited to give a plenary conference on science and innovation: a spatially rooted analysis of scientific networks. Find bellow the slides they presented: Oleron 2015 réseaux_et_espaces_sciences_et_innovation de Marion Maisonobe
2nd Geography of Innovation Internationa...
Several talks related to the ANR Geoscience have been given at the 2nd Geography of Innovation International Conference in Utrecht, Netherlands, January 2014. Abstracts and texts are (not anymore) available for download on the website of the conference: Session Geography of Science 1 D. Eckert et L. Jégou – Building scientific agglomerations (from geocoded localities […]
M@ppemonde special issue
The journal M@ppemonde has proposed a special issue named “Science, space, and maps”, in which have been published a set of papers presenting our project, its methods and some preliminary results : Summary of the special issue Introductive article by M. Baron, D. Eckert et L. Jégou