Several talks related to the ANR Geoscience have been given at the 2nd Geography of Innovation International Conference in Utrecht, Netherlands, January 2014.
Abstracts and texts are (not anymore) available for download on the website of the conference:
- Session Geography of Science 1
- D. Eckert et L. Jégou – Building scientific agglomerations (from geocoded localities to comparable urban entities): a tool for analyzing the global system of scientific cities.
- L. Jégou – Towards spatially referenced academic data at global scale: the full geocoding of Wos-Datasets, methods and results
- Session Geography of Science 2
- B. Milard – Increasingly international and visible research in the French provinces. Collaborations and citations of French chemists between 1985 and 2005.
- Session Geography of Science 3
- M. Maisonobe – DNA Repair: a spatially rooted analysis of the development of a scientific community
- M. Grossetti, D. Eckert et M. Maisonobe – Networks of scientific cooperation between cities: do national and regional contexts matter?